Tweaks to customize your takeout & delivery packaging - Brand Points Plus Canada

Tweaks to customize your takeout & delivery packaging

By this time most restaurants offering takeout & delivery have got the new routine down pat. But how about the opportunities offered by packaging to enhance your branding?

Make the most of takeout & delivery to advertise

With the space available on bags and even the inside packaging, advertise your restaurant, new grocery/pantry (if you have one), and any special offers. It’s a quick, and inexpensive, way to increase your branding and keep your business top of mind with customers.

Consider biodegradable options

Your packaging can say a lot about your approach to sustainability. Consider swapping out plastics for more sustainable and compostable materials like bioplastics and sugar cane.

Cut the waste

Going more minimal with your packaging will not only save you money but also send the right message to your customers that you care about waste and excess. Check how much packaging you really need to deliver food without spillage.

Personalize your packaging

Here’s your chance to be creative at a time when restaurants are not fully reopened and more people are choosing to eat at home. Personalized packaging helps to further your brand. Try out new colours, fonts, logo — and consider adding inspirational messages.

TouchBistro asks:
  • Do the materials you’re using align with your brand?
  • Do the visuals and information on the packaging properly communicate your brand identity?
  • Does the packaging speak to your audience? 
  • Does your packaging include relevant information (i.e. your website or social media handles)?

Because we all really do judge a book by its cover.

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