Mujadara Bowl Brown Rice - Brand Points Plus Canada

Mujadara Bowl Brown Rice

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Mujadara Bowl Brown Rice

  • Author: Ben’s Original


  • 30 mL Canola oil
  • 500 mL / 200 g Thinly sliced onions
  • 250 mL / 200 g Ben’s Original Wholegrain Brown Rice 
  • 250 mL / 200 g Brown lentils
  • 10 mL / 8 g Minced garlic
  • 2.5 mL / 2 g Salt
  • 750 mL water
  • 250 mL / 120 g Pickled beets, julienned
  • 125 mL / 50 g Radishes, julienned
  • 500 mL / 160 g Julienne carrots
  • 85 mL / 20 g Chopped fresh herbs — mint, parsley, chives, dill
  • 500 mL / 160 g Baby arugula or spinach
  • 60 mL / 60 g Hummus
  • 60 mL / 60 g Vegan yogurt
  • 20 mL / 16 g Harissa paste 
  • 4 Lemon wedges


  1. In a pot, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion and cook, until caramelized. Increase heat and continue stirring until lightly crisped.  Remove onions from pot.  
  2. Add Ben’s Original Wholegrain Brown Rice, lentils, garlic, salt and water. 
Stir until well combined. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 
25 minutes. Remove from heat and let rest for 5 minutes.
  3. Toss together pickled beets and radishes.
  4. Toss together carrots and herbs.
  5. To assemble bowl: 375 mL rice and lentils, top with ¼ of onions add remaining ingredients in sections: 85 mL beet and radish, 125 mL carrot and herbs, 125 mL arugula, 15 mL hummus, 15 mL yogurt, 5 mL harissa and one lemon wedge.

* Great addition to grab and go menu.
** Add harissa to pot in step 2 to spice the rice lentil mix. Mix beets, radishes, carrots and herbs all together instead. Adding some of the pickle juice if desired. Add minced preserved lemon to 
the hummus.
*** Infinitely adaptable to in-season produce.


Ben's Original

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