Big Bob’s® Haddock Surf Board - Brand Points Plus Canada

Big Bob’s® Haddock Surf Board

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Big Bob’s® Haddock Surf Board

  • Author: High Liner Foods


Charcuterie boards are popping up on menus everywhere. These boards normally offer a selection of cured meats and cheese. In order to create a seafood option, this recipe deconstructs traditional fish and chips into a big, bold, fun and sharable board that High Liner likes to call a ‘Surf Board’.



  • 1 pc Big Bob’s® Beer Battered Natural Cut Haddock, #10025643
  • 4 oz cactus cut potato wedges
  • 4 oz sweet potato fries
  • 4 oz prepared coleslaw
  • 2 oz tartar sauce
  • 2 oz curry mayo
  • 2 oz ancho sour cream
  • 1 lemon halved and grilled for garnish


  1. Assemble the dipping sauces in small ramekins and pre-grill the lemon garnish.
  2. Add the coleslaw to a small dish.
  3. Deep fry the Big Bob’s® Haddock for approximately 6 mins then slice it into 8 or 9 strips across the width of the fillet.
  4. Deep fry the 2 varieties of potatoes.
  5. For assembly, be creative and look to gain height where possible and also think about balancing the colours.


High Liner Foodservice

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