Butter Paneer Pizza - Brand Points Plus Canada

Butter Paneer Pizza

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Butter Paneer Pizza

  • Author: Arla
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 2-4 1x


  • 1 cup 250 mL prepared Butter Paneer recipe*
  • 2 medium naan bread 
  • 1 sweet red pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1 very small red onion, thinly sliced
  • ½ cup 125 mL diced pineapple (optional)
  • ¾ cup 175 mL Tre Stelle® Shredded Mozzarella 
  • ¼ cup 60 mL chopped fresh mint or cilantro


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Place naan on baking sheet. Top with Butter Paneer, red pepper, onion and pineapple, if using. Sprinkle with Mozzarella Cheese. 
  2. Bake for 15 minutes; top with mint. Slice and serve. 
  3. *Butter Paneer: Use 1, 250 g pkg Tre Stelle® Paneer Cheese, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) cubes. Find recipe for Butter Paneer at www.trestelle.ca, or simply simmer cubed paneer cheese with premade butter chicken sauce. 



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